2025 Registration & Membership

Interested in becoming a member of Pacific Swimming?

Pacific Swimming offers a variety of membership options. Below will be the 2024-2025 fee amounts for each type of membership starting September 1, 2024:

  • Year-Round Premium Athlete - $89
  • Outreach - $5 (must meet the hardship requirement)
  • Individual Season Athlete - $56 (Valid for 150 days from date of registration; can be upgraded to year-round anytime until 8/31/25)
  • Athlete Transfer Fee - $15 (Swimmer will remain unattached for 60 days from the last date of competition with old team)
  • Coach, Official, and Other Non-Athlete (18+) - $85
  • Junior Coach, Junior Official (16-17) - $85 (USAS member fees waived if athlete is a Premium Athlete Member)
  • Administrator - $36
  • Outreach Non-Coach/Non-Athlete - $5 (Click here to review Outreach Qualifications)
  • Life Member - $1,000
  • Annual Club - $225
  • Seasonal Club - $140 (Fall: 9/1/24 - 1/28/25; Summer 4/4/25 - 8/31/25)
  • Booster Club - $225
  • League - $500

Registration instructions for the 2024-25 swim year will be available through your team at the end of August 2024. If you are Unattached or have other questions regarding registration, contact laurie@pacswim.org. For information on USA Swimming's Athlete Inclusion, Competitive Equity, and Eligibility Policy, please click here.


Step 1 - Go to hub.usaswimming.org, Create a Login, and set up your login as the parent.
              No athlete info in this step, just for the parent.

              (If you already have an account, skip to step 2).

Step 2 - Click on the Club OMR link that the club provided. 

Step 3 - If you aren’t already logged in, log in with the parent account. 

Step 4 - Scroll down the page past the Renewals section until you get to the Create New Memberships section.
              Click the box on the right,  "Add a New Member" (do not click "Add Family Member" at the top of the page)

Step 5 - Choose "I Am Registering My Child" or "I Am Registering Myself"
              Note - After you input the name and birthdate, there will be a pop-up if the system finds you/them
              in the database.

Step 6 - Input the contact info and the emergency contact info

Step 7 - Choose the Membership type (Premium Athlete, Seasonal Athlete, Coach, Official, etc.) 
              The only options showing will be those that are available to the member based on age.

Step 8 - Answer the rest of the questions and pay for the registration.



As the year-end approaches, it is time for each club to renew its Annual Club Membership with USA Swimming. With the introduction of Online Registration, this process is different from prior years. There is no paper form to fill out to renew, each club must renew online through their SWIMS 3.0 portal. The requirements are different now as well, as all members of the organization’s “staff” including all your Coaches/Board of Directors/Administrators (as defined in your club portal) MUST be current members in good standing. If the club membership lapses and the staff have not been renewed, no one from the club’s staff will be able to access the SWIMS 3.0 Club Portal. Athletes will not be able to join or renew their membership either. This may make it challenging for the club’s athletes to compete and they will have to transfer to UNATTACHED until the club’s renewal has been completed. The LSC will be limited in the assistance they can provide as only the LSC Registrar can assist with getting access back to your club.  Please get ahead of any issues and work on renewing the Annual Club Membership prior to mid-December to avoid any issues created by a lapse in club membership. The Pacific Swimming office is closed the last 10 days of December and USA Swimming will be closed during a similar period as well, so renewing before mid-December will help ensure a smooth transition to the new year.


To renew your club membership, you will need a club administrator to access the new SWIMS 3.0portal (via
https://hub.usaswimming.org/landing) and once logged in, go to “Club” in the blue menu bar at the top of the page (see yellow circle below). From there, choose “Club Renewal” and you will open the Club Registration screen. There you will confirm or update information about the club (see the list on the left side below to see the screens that you must visit) by updating or confirming the Club Staff, Club Type, Legal Entity information, Club Affiliation, Screenings & Policies, Pre-Competitive Programming, Facilities, Mission Statement & Budget (not required for renewals and Emergency Plans(not required for renewals) until you have green checkmarks by all the categories. All of your staff must have a current membership in good standing to renew your Club Membership, so if any member of your club is out of compliance, we suggest getting those members updated and in good standing right away.

With all the green checkmarks, you can Save and then Submit. From there you can make payment to USA Swimming for the amount of your club membership via credit card.  This year each club will pay the full amount to USA Swimming and the LSC will not bill you for the LSC share of the membership. Be sure to renew your club before the end of the membership year. 

Registration & Membership

Athlete Transfer/Change Form
To be used by athlete members when transferring their affiliation from one club to another within Pacific or when transferring into Pacific from another LSC or for any change in a member's information. Swimmer will remain unattached for 60 days from the last date of competition with the old team.

Non-Athlete Transfer/Change Form
To be used by non-athlete members when transferring their affiliation from one club to another within Pacific or when transferring into Pacific from another LSC.

Membership Requirement Checklist for Coach Members
Revised 4.1.24

Foreign Athlete/Team Invitation
Registration and information on foreign athletes and teams swimming at USA Swimming events.