Governance of USA Swimming

FINA (International Swimming Federation) 

Works with the International Olympic Committee by supervising the international competition of watersports.


USAS (United States Aquatic Sports)

Represents United States Diving, United States Masters Swimming, United States Swimming, United States Synchronized Swimming, and United States Water Polo on the international level.



USA Swimming (United States of America Swimming)

The governing body of the sport of swimming in the United States. Athlete representation on this level is the AEC (Athletes Executive Committee)



Zones (Western, Central, Southern, Eastern):

This governing body reports to USA Swimming and supervises their designated LSC’s in their zone. They are also the one to pick the time standards for the Zone Champs and Sectionals. We are in the Western Zone (the blue colored section) and your Western Zone Athlete Representative is: Maria Davila from San Diego Imperial Swimming

The red section is the Central Zone, the green section is the Southern Zone, and the yellow section is the Eastern Zone.

Contact at:


LSC (Local Swimming Committee)

There are 59 LSCs in USA Swimming.This governing body supervises competitive swimming in the clubs of the area. They also report to the Zone they are in. Our LSC is Pacific Swimming and we report to the Western Zone. Your LSC Sr. Athlete Representative is Steph Anderson (contact at: and your LSC Jr. Athlete Representative is Aly Cutforth (contact at:




Zones (1North, 1South, 2, 3, 4)

This governing body is only found in the Pacific LSC. Because we are the second largest LSC in USA Swimming Pacific Swimming made zones to make communication and governing more manageable. The Zones report to Pacific Swimming and supervise the clubs in their designated zone. Your Zone Athlete Representatives are:

Zone 1 North: Paige Griffis,

Zone 1 South: Joyce Lee,

Zone 2: Saveta Holunga,

Zone 3: Joseph Harris,

Zone 4: Isabella Pflieger,

Link to the zone pages within PacSwim:

Club Athlete Representative Application and Requirements